Take a look at the attached image. This is a appx that is signed by Microsoft. The signature is timestamped. But, it's now an "Untrusted App."
Just had this happen to my software. I can't resign old application packages (Appx, MSIX, Appxbundle, or MSIXBundle) with my new certificate.
From a business standpoint, this is horrible.
Is there a way to sign an Appx bundle or MSIX bundle without it being listed as untrusted in the future?
Honestly, I'm not sure if this is just my systems. I hope it's just my network, or something. But, I'd like to figure this out. Seems very important.
Some updates:
I guess the questions are:
This is a known bug in the AppInstaller UX; the file is correctly signed and it can be installed with PowerShell (or of course the Store if the package was in the Store). Although I can't give you a date when it will be fixed, the good news is that AppInstaller is itself an app, so it will get updated to all users fairly quickly once the patch is released (you don't have to wait for a Windows Update).
To answer your other question: a "Trusted Microsoft Store App" is one with a signature that comes from the Microsoft Store, and thus can always be installed. If you sign the package with any other trusted certificate, it simply a "Trusted App" and can only be installed if the user has selected some version of "allow apps from Anywhere" in Settings -> Apps & Features.