Search code examples

Using window function to retrieve values from a column depending on another

In a dataframe like below:

id    date      product
1   2010-02-01     c
1   2010-02-02     v
1   2010-02-03     d
1   2010-02-04     g
2   2010-02-03     h
2   2010-02-04     w
2   2010-02-05     t
2   2010-02-06     d
3   2010-02-04     x
3   2010-02-05     f
3   2010-02-06     x

I want to add another column giving the product that the user used in the minimum date. So it needs to be like below:

id    date      product  early_product
1   2010-02-01     c         c
1   2010-02-02     v         c
1   2010-02-03     d         c
1   2010-02-04     g         c
2   2010-02-03     h         h
2   2010-02-04     w         h
2   2010-02-05     t         h
2   2010-02-06     d         h
3   2010-02-04     x         x
3   2010-02-05     f         x
3   2010-02-06     x         x

I know I need to use the window function and started with the one below. But that will provide me the earliest date per user. I need to find the product used in the earliest day for user:

min(date) over (partition by id) as earliest_date


  • Use FIRST_VALUE as Window function

    CREATE TABLE table1 (
      `id` INTEGER,
      `date` Date,
      `product` VARCHAR(1)
    INSERT INTO table1
      (`id`, `date`, `product`)
      ('1', '2010-02-01', 'c'),
      ('1', '2010-02-02', 'v'),
      ('1', '2010-02-03', 'd'),
      ('1', '2010-02-04', 'g'),
      ('2', '2010-02-03', 'h'),
      ('2', '2010-02-04', 'w'),
      ('2', '2010-02-05', 't'),
      ('2', '2010-02-06', 'd'),
      ('3', '2010-02-04', 'x'),
      ('3', '2010-02-05', 'f'),
      ('3', '2010-02-06', 'x');
    SELECT `id`, `date`, `product` 
    FROM table1
    id | date       | product | minproduct
    -: | :--------- | :------ | :---------
     1 | 2010-02-01 | c       | c         
     1 | 2010-02-02 | v       | c         
     1 | 2010-02-03 | d       | c         
     1 | 2010-02-04 | g       | c         
     2 | 2010-02-03 | h       | h         
     2 | 2010-02-04 | w       | h         
     2 | 2010-02-05 | t       | h         
     2 | 2010-02-06 | d       | h         
     3 | 2010-02-04 | x       | x         
     3 | 2010-02-05 | f       | x         
     3 | 2010-02-06 | x       | x         

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