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Mongoose return id instead of _id in populate method

I have two related models: Recipe and User.

When I fetch a recipe and the related user from the database using populate(), I want the returned user object to have the id property instead of the _id property.

const recipe = await Recipe.findOne({ _id }).populate('user', '-password');

When I log the value of the user model, I want to get this:

  id: 5eea82b11a97e9429ca61778,
  name: 'John Doe',
  email: ''

I tried adding the id property to the user object, it didn't change anything. I still got the _id property.

recipe.user = { ...recipe.user, id: recipe.user_id };


  •     noteSchema.set('toJSON', {
      transform: (document, returnedObject) => { = returnedObject._id.toString()
        delete returnedObject._id
        delete returnedObject.__v

    This is what i use to remove the underscores - You can just transform the document and delete the bits you dont want