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Grant permission to trigger from owner account

I have a trigger STUDENT_DATA_UPDATE in my two oracle accounts. One is owner account and another is user account. Below are the details.

Owner account which has all the privileges:


USER account which has no privileges:


I am able to change ,Disable or enable the trigger from OWNER account which has permissions. But i am not able to do any changes to the trigger from USER account. My question here is, I want to grant the permission to change the trigger from NATIONAL_OWN to NATIONAL_USR account which can disable and enable the same trigger in it.


  • A user can only enable or disable another user's trigger if they are granted the powerful alter any trigger privilege, which is probably overkill and dangerous. You could restrict it with a DDL trigger but that just gets more complicated.

    You could create wrapper procedures, possibly in a package, e.g. in the NATIONAL_OWN schema:

    create package trigger_pkg as
      procedure disable_trigger;
      procedure enable_trigger;
    end trigger_pkg;
    create package body trigger_pkg as
      procedure disable_trigger is
        execute immediate 'alter trigger STUDENT_DATA_UPDATE disable';
      end disable_trigger;
      procedure enable_trigger is
        execute immediate 'alter trigger STUDENT_DATA_UPDATE enable';
      end enable_trigger;
    end trigger_pkg;
    grant execute on trigger_pkg to NATIONAL_USR;

    Then as NATIONAL_USR you can do:




    You could have one procedure with an enable/disable flag instead of you prefer.

    Is there a way where i could actually call these procedures disable_trigger and enable_trigger from a java code.

    You can use a CallableStatement, either with the anonymous block syntax:

    stmt = conn.prepareCall("begin NATIONAL_OWN.trigger_pkg.disable_trigger; end;");

    or the ANSI syntax:

    stmt = conn.prepareCall("{ call NATIONAL_OWN.trigger_pkg.disable_trigger }");