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Test Spring Boot cache in Kotlin and JUnit5

I have a simple repository and it's interface written in Kotlin to get a list of sites from db; and I cache response with Spring cache:

interface IRepository {
  fun sites(): List<String>

class Repository(private val jdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate) : IRepository {
  private val sites = "SELECT DISTINCT siteId FROM sites"

  @Cacheable(value = ["sites"], key = "sites")
  override fun sites(): List<String> = jdbcTemplate.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sites,

Now I want to test that caching is actually working. As base for test I used How to test Spring's declarative caching support on Spring Data repositories? but direct implementation resulted in error of repository being a proxy and not repository. So my current attempt is:

class RepositoryCacheTests {
  private lateinit var repository: Repository

  private lateinit var cache: CacheManager

  class CachingTestConfig {
    fun cacheManager(): CacheManager = ConcurrentMapCacheManager("sites")

  fun `Sites is cached after first read`() {
    // Arrange
    whenever(repository.sites()).thenReturn(listOf(site, anotherSite))


    // Assert

But cache is empty and not populated after first read. What am I missing in my setup?


Using George's suggestion I updated the test (and code for easier mocking). I also had to add @Bean for repository in configuration because of Could not autowire. No beans of 'Repository' type found. without it.

  @Cacheable(value = ["sites"], key = "'sites'")
  override fun sites(): List<String> = jdbcTemplate.query(sites) { rs, _ -> rs.getString("siteId") }
class RepositoryCacheTests {
  private lateinit var jdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

  private lateinit var repository: Repository

  private lateinit var cache: CacheManager

  class CachingTestConfig {
    fun testRepository(jdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate): Repository = Repository(jdbcTemplate)

    fun cacheManager(): CacheManager = ConcurrentMapCacheManager("sites")

  fun `Sites is cached after first read`() {
    whenever(jdbcTemplate.query(any(), any<RowMapper<String>>())).thenReturn(listOf(site, anotherSite))
    verify(jdbcTemplate, times(1)).query(any(), any<RowMapper<String>>())

Now the test does not even start:

Error creating bean with name 'RepositoryCacheTests': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'repository'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named 'testRepository' is expected to be of type 'Repository' but was actually of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy52'

Update 2:

As George points, solution is ( and

  private lateinit var repository: IRepository


  • You are mocking your test subject Repository repository. This should be the real object initialized by Spring so it has caching. You need to mock the JdbcTemplate that your test subject is calling.

    I don't really know kotlin syntax, so bear with me. Here's how your test should look like:

    class RepositoryCacheTests {
      private lateinit jdbcTemplate: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
      private lateinit var repository: IRepository
      private lateinit var cache: CacheManager
      class CachingTestConfig {
        fun cacheManager(): CacheManager = ConcurrentMapCacheManager("sites")
      fun `Sites is cached after first read`() {
        // Arrange
        whenever(jdbcTemplate.queryForList(any(),, anotherSite))
        // Assert
        //Execute again to test cache.
        //JdbcTemplate should have been called once.
        verify(jdbcTemplate, times(1)).queryForList(any(),