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Tags feed in GitLab shows only 20 entries

I need to find a way to get all release names and release dates for a project in GitLab. I tried retrieving Tags feed, but it seems to contain only 20 entries-so the older tags are not in the feeds.

How can i easily get those Release information for a project / Group. I couldn't download Release_evidence JSON for each release. That's not a problem. But I need an easy way to get all those release information.


only displays 20 entries.How to get all entries regarding release information easily.


  • The GitLab documentation helped me in this case to retrieve all feeds

    This link --->

    Scanning through the available pages using "page=n" query parameter in the URL and read the feed entries from each page until there are no feed entries helped me.

    <project>/-/tags?format=atom&page=n, where n=1,2,3...

    'per_page' query parameter didn't work for me. but the 'page' query parameter helped me

    Hope it helps someone