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svcutil and specified fields

I am generating a datacontract with svcutil from a webservice.

svcutil /language:cs /noConfig /targetclientversion:Version35 

The fields generated looks like this:

private System.Nullable<System.DateTime> createdField;
private bool createdFieldSpecified;

How can the fields be both nullable and have a specified field?


  • it depends on the source Wsdl. I bet there is something this (not sure of the syntax):

    <xsd:element name="created" type="xsd:datetime" minOccurs="0" xsd:nil="true" />

    svcutil.exe use nillable to produce a Nullable<> field, and minOccurs to produce a field + specified combination.

    I also bet the WSDL is not a .Net generated WSDL !