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Gridsome source-filesystem add tag description

I'm using @gridsome/source-filesystem with this config:

  use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
  options: {
    typeName: 'Post',
    path: 'content/posts/**/*.md',
    refs: {
      tags: {
        typeName: 'Tag',
        create: true
      author: {
        typeName: 'Author',
        create: true

Now I want to add description for one tag only, so I created a new doc in content/posts/

title: Tag-Title
description:tag description

How can I connect this document to the allTags collection?

Or any other way (without @gridsome/source-filesystem for Tags, for example), to add description to exists node in collection?


  • If you want to just add allTags, you can create markdown for it.

    in gridsome.config.js

          use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
          options: {
            path: 'content/tags/**/*.md',
            typeName: 'Tag'

    add file content/tags/

    title: Tag-Title
    description: tag description

    you can explole

      allTag {
        edges {
          node {
      "data": {
        "allTag": {
          "edges": [
              "node": {
                "id": "******", // random hash
                "title": "Tag-Title",
                "description": "tag description"
              "node": {
                "id": "foo",
                "title": "foo",
                "description": ""

    but, this is not able to connect to your Post.

    or just added description to Tag, you can use addSchemaResolvers. in gridsome.server.js

    module.exports = function(api) {
      api.loadSource(async ({ addSchemaResolvers }) => {
          Tag: {
            description: {
              type: "String",
              resolve(obj) {
                if (!obj.description) {
                  // coding your logic
                  return "set description";
                } else {
                  return obj.description;