We generate documentation using mkdocs with the material theme and until now have used the codehilite extension. I've now added mermaid using a method described here: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/issues/693
First, my markdown:
# Examples
## Mermaid
graph LR
a[Start] -- b[(Storage)]-->d[End]
## Code
import tensorflow as tf
My mkdocs.yml:
# Project information
site_name: Test
site_description: 'Mermaid with CodeHiLite'
name: material
tabs: false
- 'custom_content/mermaid.min.js'
- codehilite
In this configuration the mermaid code is not rendered as a diagramm but the code is syntax highlighted.
If I extend my mkdocs.yml to add mermaid like this:
# Project information
site_name: Test
site_description: 'Mermaid with CodeHiLite'
name: material
tabs: false
- 'custom_content/mermaid.min.js'
- codehilite
- pymdownx.superfences:
- name: mermaid
class: mermaid
format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_div_format
then the mermaid diagrams are rendered properly but the code is not syntax highlighted.
If I change the markdown to add the language to the code block
``` python
import tensorflow as tf
then both code and diagram are rendered correctly. The problem I have is that the existing documentation doesn't specify a language and until now that worked.
Any ideas how to get these two extensions to work together better? Or am I just going to have to tell the developers to update their markdown?
For a prepackaged solution to integrate mermaid diagrams into mkdocs, there is now the mkdocs-mermaid2 plugin, which I'm maintaining.
For code highlighting, it also contains an example of how to make it work with the superfences plugin.
It may be especially useful if one needs to pass arguments to the initialize()
method of the mermaid renderer, to tweak the look of diagrams.