I want to put a big AAR library ("crypteriumsdk") into a Dynamic Feature Module, which can be installed on-demand. But when I do that, it can't find its resources (theme):
resource style/CrypteriumTheme (aka com.crypter.cryptocyrrency:style/CrypteriumTheme) not found.
I also added tools:replace="android:theme"
to application
in main Manifest (app module).
What is wrong here?
include ':crypteriumsdk'
include ':wallet'
include ':app'
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
implementation project(":app")
implementation project(':crypteriumsdk') // added the library here
The Manifest gets merged too early for the actual theme implementation to be available on the user's device.
You can add this to your base module's styles.xml:
<style name="CrypteriumTheme" />
This allows for the style resource id to be found at install time and for it to be overwritten once the module is available and launched.
See this sample for a working implementation.