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How to include AAR in Dynamic Feature Module?

I want to put a big AAR library ("crypteriumsdk") into a Dynamic Feature Module, which can be installed on-demand. But when I do that, it can't find its resources (theme):

resource style/CrypteriumTheme (aka com.crypter.cryptocyrrency:style/CrypteriumTheme) not found.

I also added tools:replace="android:theme" to application in main Manifest (app module).

What is wrong here?

enter image description here

enter image description here


include ':crypteriumsdk'
include ':wallet'
include ':app'


dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
    implementation project(":app")
    implementation project(':crypteriumsdk') // added the library here


  • The Manifest gets merged too early for the actual theme implementation to be available on the user's device.

    You can add this to your base module's styles.xml:

        <style name="CrypteriumTheme" />

    This allows for the style resource id to be found at install time and for it to be overwritten once the module is available and launched.

    See this sample for a working implementation.