I have a directive that prevents users from entering the alphabets. for unit testing I planned to execute that I will trigger a keypress event and if its number it will be there in the text box if not it should not. when I run the test, the event and char code is matching and the function returning true but I am not able to see the value in the text box.
@HostListener('keypress', ['$event']) onKeyPress(event: any) {
let enteredChar: number;
enteredChar = parseInt(event.charCode, 10);
return enteredChar >= 47 && enteredChar <= 57;
Unit test
template: `
<input PreventSpecialCharacters id="testComp" type="text" />
class TestSpecialCharComponent {
constructor(private el: ElementRef) {}
fdescribe('PreventSpecialCharactersDirective', () => {
let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestSpecialCharComponent>;
let inputEl: HTMLInputElement;
beforeEach(() => {
declarations: [
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestSpecialCharComponent);
inputEl = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('#testComp');
fit('should allow the input', () => {
inputEl.dispatchEvent(makeKeyPressEvent('Digit1', 49, 49));
I have to create a custom click event and directly passing that to the function that needs to be tested.
function makeKeyPressEvent(
keyName: string,
keyCode: number,
charCode: number
) {
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keypress');
Object.defineProperties(event, {
charCode: { value: charCode },
keyCode: { value: keyCode },
keyIdentifier: { value: keyName },
which: { value: keyCode }
return event;
and the test was like below
const directive = new PreventSpecialCharactersDirective();
const result = directive.onKeyPress(makeKeyPressEvent('Digit1', 49, 49));