I am creating a custom server control with a property that accepts a String as input. What is the correct way to handle whitespace/tabs & newlines? For example,
<prefix:MyControl runat="server"
Property="This is a long text string which is manually
wrapped in the VS text editor on multiple
This returns something similar to
"This is a long text string which is manually\r\n wrapped in the VS text editor on multiple\r\n lines."
Is there a special attribute I can apply to the propery to help with this? I have checked Metadata Attributes for Custom Server Controls Or do I need to manually strip the linebreaks and extra spacing?
Discovered a Regular Expression solution which finds multiple whitespace characters preceded by a line break and replaces matches with a single space.
private string property;
public string Property {
get { return property; }
set {
property = Regex.Replace(value, @"(\n|\r|\r\n)\s+", " ");