I'm new to rdflib I trying to get only the value Tuýp_2, not include the IRI http://www.semanticweb.org/ngocv/ontologies/2020/5/hotrobenhtieuduong#Tuýp_2
def testontology():
test = """PREFIX : <http://www.semanticweb.org/ngocv/ontologies/2020/5/hotrobenhtieuduong#> SELECT ?a WHERE { <http://www.semanticweb.org/ngocv/ontologies/2020/5/hotrobenhtieuduong#Benhnhan001>:coLoaiTieuDuong ?a}"""
r = list(graph.query(test))
for item in r:
result = str(item['a'])
return render_template("testontology.html", values=result)
The result from the query "test" tried in protege is good result picture
when I use graph.query
it return the value included the iri
I tried with SELECT (str(?b) as ?a)
as well but the result still the same
I think the problem is I dont know much about get value with graph.query
in rdflib
Please help me to query the value
Solved with
PREFIX : <http://www.semanticweb.org/ngocv/ontologies/2020/5/hotrobenhtieuduong#>
SELECT ?aTxt ?a WHERE { <http://www.semanticweb.org/ngocv/ontologies/2020/5/hotrobenhtieuduong#Benhnhan001>:coLoaiTieuDuong ?a}.
bind(strafter(str(?a),"http://www.semanticweb.org/ngocv/ontologies/2020/5/hotrobenhtieuduong#") as ?aTxt)}