I created an app with Xcode 11.6 (11E708) on macOS Catalina 10.15.6 (19G73). I archived and exported this app to an ipa file with Xcode.
Now, I want to upload this ipa file with Apples Transporter 1.1.1 (1171) running on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G11023).
When starting the upload, I get the following message after few seconds:
ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/MyApp.app/Assets.car' can't be processed. Rebuild your app, and all included extensions and frameworks, with the latest GM version of Xcode and resubmit."
How can I solve this problem while still being able to upload the ipa file with Transporter from macOS High Sierra?
I finally found a solution:
I downloaded Xcode 10
from https://developer.apple.com/download/more/. Be aware to download Xcode 10
because all newer versions like Xcode 10.1
aren't compatible with High Sierra and won't work.
After the download, I installed and started Xcode once.
After that, I closed Xcode.
Now, the Transporter app worked like a charm with no errors at all.
Hint: If that doesn't work for you, maybe try to restart your Mac.