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Pytorch Autograd gives different gradients when using .clamp instead of torch.relu

I'm still working on my understanding of the PyTorch autograd system. One thing I'm struggling at is to understand why .clamp(min=0) and nn.functional.relu() seem to have different backward passes.

It's especially confusing as .clamp is used equivalently to relu in PyTorch tutorials, such as

I found this when analysing the gradients of a simple fully connected net with one hidden layer and a relu activation (linear in the outputlayer).

to my understanding the output of the following code should be just zeros. I hope someone can show me what I am missing.

import torch
dtype = torch.float

x = torch.tensor([[3,2,1],
                  [0,0,1]], dtype=dtype)

y = torch.ones(4,4)

w1_a = torch.tensor([[1,2],
                     [4,0]], dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True)
w1_b = w1_a.clone().detach()
w1_b.requires_grad = True

w2_a = torch.tensor([[-1, 1],
                     [-2, 3]], dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True)
w2_b = w2_a.clone().detach()
w2_b.requires_grad = True

y_hat_a = torch.nn.functional.relu(
y_a = torch.ones_like(y_hat_a)
y_hat_b =
y_b = torch.ones_like(y_hat_b)

loss_a = (y_hat_a - y_a).pow(2).sum()
loss_b = (y_hat_b - y_b).pow(2).sum()


print(w1_a.grad - w1_b.grad)
print(w2_a.grad - w2_b.grad)

# OUT:
# tensor([[  0.,   0.],
#         [  0.,   0.],
#         [  0., -38.]])
# tensor([[0., 0.],
#         [0., 0.]])


  • The reason is that relu and clamp produce different gradients at 0. For a scalar tensor x = 0:

    • (relu(x) - 1.0).pow(2).backward() gives x.grad == 0
    • (x.clamp(min=0) - 1.0).pow(2).backward() gives x.grad == -2

    This indicates that:

    • relu chooses x == 0 --> grad = 0
    • clamp chooses x == 0 --> grad = 1