I have two parallel inheritance chains:
Animal <- Lion
<- Gazelle
Food <- Meat
<- Grass
I want to implement the "Eats" polymorphic property on Animal. This is how it looks like:
public abstract class Animal
public abstract Food Eats { get; set;}
public class Lion : Animal
public override Food Eats
get { return new Meat();}
if (value is Meat) DoSomething(value);
else throw new Exception("Lions only eat meat. " +
"You better learn that, dude!");
However, this code is not type safe. Should I feed my Lion with grass, I will be confronted with my bug only in runtime.
Could someone provide me with a code example that facilitates type safety using Generics without sacrificing polymorphism?
Animal can be a generic class:
public abstract class Animal<T> where T : Food
public abstract T Eats {get;set;}
then you can make lion a meat eating animal like this
public class Lion : Animal<Meat>
But this is not be an optimal solution. You can't use animal as a polymorphic interface any more because you need to know details about it's implementation to use it. This might just not be the place for polymorphism.