I have been using Envoy within the context of Istio and have been configuring the external authorization filter to offload service authorisation to the Istio mesh.
My understanding is that when configuring Envoy envoy.filters.http.ext_authz
and envoy.ext_authz
are synonymous, but is this true?
One possibility I was thinking is that envoy.ext_authz
is a short name that only works when the context of the configuration implies the filter is an HTTP filter, but I have not found any evidence for this.
Reading through the Envoy documentation I have only seen the filter referred to by the full envoy.filters.http.ext_authz
name (for example here), so relevant documentation or code would be useful to show (or not show) the equivalence of the two names.
They have deprecated envoy.ext_authz filter name since v1.14.0 version. After v1.14.0 they use envoy.filters.http prefix for Http filters and envoy.filters.network prefix for network filters. You can see all the deprecated name list from here. https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/version_history/v1.14.0#deprecated