Search code examples

How to create a data structure similar to the cartesian product of three lists of different types?

I want to create a DataStructure which will be similar to the cartesian product of three List. I've also referred the existing answer by Jurgen which suggest to use flatMap. I tried in that way as well. But I've condition that filterValue list is inside types list. So flatMap will not work here. As filterValues can be 0 or more. So depending on that cartesian product (we might call it as combination) will change.

Size of measures, types & filterValues can be different for each list. If measure list is empty. Then the combination will be of only types & filterValues (and measure will be set to null. I've added these different scenarios in my comments of if-else block

I've following types of list:

  1. List<String> measures
  2. List<Type> types
  3. List<FilterValue> filterValues

For example the Input structure is:

  "measures": [
  "types": [
      "type": "type-1",
      //some more fields
      "filterValues": [
        //no filter values present
      "type": "type-2",
      //some more fields
      "filterValues": [
          "filterValue": "t2f1"
          //some more fields
          "filterValue": "t2f2"
          //some more fields

Then in above case the output data structure I'm expecting is

m1  type-1 null
m1  type-2 t2f1 
m1  type-2 t2f2 

m2  type-1 null
m2  type-2 t2f1 
m2  type-2 t2f2 

m3  type-1 null
m3  type-2 t2f1 
m3  type-2 t2f2 

Then the same above values I'm setting into the following classes:

class SearchArea {
    String measure;
    String type;
    TypeCombi typeFileter;
    //constructor for measure & type
    //constructor for all three
    //getters & setters

class TypeCombi {
    String type;
    String name; //it is mapped with filterValue
    //constructor for above two fields
    //getters & setters

The class Type & FilterValue is as below

class Type {
    String type;
    List<FilterValue> filterValues;
    //some more fields
    //getters and setters

class FilterValue {
    String filterValue;
    //some more fields
    //getters and setters

I'm able to achieve the expected output using following getSearchAreas function. But in this case I'm using multiple(two) for loops. Can this code block cleaned up using stream/flatmap instead of two for loops ? Also is there any better way to handle multiple if/else block ?(I've added comment above each if/else block for it's scenario)

private List<SearchArea> getSearchAreas(List<String> measures, List<Type> types){
    List<SearchArea> searchAreas = new ArrayList<>();

    //measures & types both are empty
    if ((measures == null || measures.isEmpty())
            && (types == null || types.isEmpty()))
        return Collections.emptyList();

    //one or more measure and zero types
    else if (measures != null && !measures.isEmpty()
            && (types == null || types.isEmpty())) {
        searchAreas = measures
                .map(measure -> new SearchArea(measure, null))
        return searchAreas;
    //zero measures and one or more types
    else if ((measures == null || measures.isEmpty())) {
        for (type type : types) {
            if (type.getFilterValues() == null
                    || type.getFilterValues().isEmpty()) {
                searchAreas.add(new SearchArea(null, type.getType()));
            } else {
                        .map(filterValue -> new SearchArea(null,
                                new TypeCombi(type.getType(),
        return searchAreas;
    //one or more measures and one or more types
    else {
        for (String measure : measures) {
            for (Type type : types) {
                if (type.getFilterValues() == null
                        || type.getFilterValues().isEmpty()) {
                    searchAreas.add(new SearchArea(measure, type.getType()));
                } else {
                            .map(filterValue -> new SearchArea(measure,
                                    new TypeCombi(type.getType(),
        return searchAreas;

It will be great if someone can help me in restructuring above in cleaner fashion.


  • I think this is what you want. Note that it is sometimes cleaner not to use streams.

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        List<String> strings = Collections.emptyList();
        List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
        if (strings == null || strings.isEmpty()) {
            strings = Collections.singletonList(null);
        if (ints == null || ints.isEmpty()) {
            ints = Collections.singletonList(null);
        for (String str : strings) {
            for (Integer integer : ints) {
                // In your code doubles comes from a property of integer.
                List<Double> doubles = integer == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Arrays.asList(1.0d, 2.0d, 3.0d);
                if (doubles == null || doubles.isEmpty()) {
                    doubles = Collections.singletonList(null);
                for (Double doubler : doubles) {
                    // Create your object here.
                    System.out.format(Locale.US, "    str = %s, int = %d, double = %f %n", str, integer, doubler);

    Output follows:

    str = null, int = 1, double = 1.000000 
    str = null, int = 1, double = 2.000000
    str = null, int = 1, double = 3.000000
    str = null, int = 2, double = 1.000000
    str = null, int = 2, double = 2.000000 
    str = null, int = 2, double = 3.000000
    str = null, int = 3, double = 1.000000
    str = null, int = 3, double = 2.000000
    str = null, int = 3, double = 3.000000