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XmlSerialize Class to CDATA

Due to one of the interfaces we are writing for, we have to add a CDATA tag for a list of classes.


I'm unsure how to achieve this. I have found questions around individual strings, but not so much around an entire class. Any suggestions would be helpful.


  • One of the ways to get the output you are expecting is to separate the creation of the module data and generating the CDATA part. For example:

    To create the module data -

    1. Create a class to hold module details as below -

      public class Module
          public string title { get; set; }
          public string code { get; set; }
          public string level { get; set; }
          public string summary { get; set; }
    2. Create a method to fetch these datails -

       public static string CreateXMLString()
          List<Module> modules = new List<Module>();
          modules = new List<Module>() { new Module() { code = "test", 
          summary="Test3", title="Test", level = "tests1" },
                                             new Module() { code = "test3", 
          summary="Test3", title="Test3", level = "tests3" } };
              // Create XML to return the string in the format of 
              // <module code="test">
              //  < level > tests1 </ level >
              //  < summary > Test3 </ summary >
              //  < title > Test </ title >
              //</ module >< module code = "test3" >   
              //     < level > tests3 </ level >   
              //     < summary > Test3 </ summary >   
              //     < title > Test3 </ title >
              //   </ module >
            var modulesXml = 
                from mod in modules
                select new XElement("module",
              new XAttribute("code", mod.code),
              new XElement("level", mod.level),
              new XElement("summary", mod.summary),
              new XElement("title", mod.title)
            return String.Concat(modulesXml);

    To get the CDATA you can use the below steps -

    1. Create a class Modulesand refer the documentation for usages of CreateCDataSection and for similar threads here for the details

      public class Modules
       public Modules() { }
       public string Message { get; set; }
       public System.Xml.XmlCDataSection MyStringCDATA
              return new System.Xml.XmlDocument().CreateCDataSection(Message);
              Message = value.Value;

    To test the output assign the string generated in step 2 during serialization you can refer the sample code below

    static void Main(string[] args)
       Modules mc = new Modules();
       mc.Message = CreateXMLString();//Assign your data created in step 2
       XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Modules));
       XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
       ns.Add("", "");
       StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        //Remove unnecessary namespaces
       serializer.Serialize(writer, mc,ns);
       var test = XDocument.Parse(writer.ToString());            
       var data = test.Root.Elements();              

    Output -
