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Spring Boot project (Maven) with AXL - NetBeans cannot find generated AXL packages/classes

A Spring Boot project (Maven) using AXL (Schema 12.5), I use NetBeans 12 as development environment.

I can build the project, it builds successful, the target-forder containts the generated AXL classes, etc., but NetBeans still shows errors in the editor, for example on all those import-statements on the AXL classes like


The errors are, for example:

package does not exist

All appearances of usage of AXL artifacts are marked as errors, like:

cannot find symbol
symbol: RLine

Why is that problem in the editor? How to configure?

Because of the errors I cannot use the auto-completion, there are no suggestions on what methods are available, etc.

The target-folder is structured like this:

- target
  - generated
    - cxf (below this start the packages:


  • The solution is, or at least a solution, to modify the pom.xml file, like so:


    Now the import statements of the generated AXL Java classes work, no errors anymore!

    Let's go NetBeans, let's go!