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Is it possible to force typescript to use types from DefinitelyTyped instead of native lib types?

I'm trying to migrate to sequelize v5 which now has built-in typescript types. I'm not exactly happy how said types are written: data-related methods (find/create/update/etc) use "object" as data values type. Types from DefinitelyTyped are written using generics and dont have such drawback.

The problem is now typescript compiler detects built-in types from sequelize and ignores DefinitelyTyped types. Is there a way to change this behaviour?


  • This question provides a solution:

    In your .tsconfig.json file:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
           "*": [
             "types/*", // locally defined types
             "node_modules/@types/*" // DefinitelyTyped typings for applicable packages

    This means the compiler will first look in your local /types folder, and then in node_modules/@types/, before resorting to the lib-defined typings.