I have a dynamic Screen which is generated based on a button you clicked on another screen. Issue is dat every time I enter the Screen, the buttons are regenerated and added to the existing buttons.
The reason is that I use the on_enter method, but I don't know how I can use on_kv_post for example, as these events happen on starting the app.
How can I initialise the screen every time I return to this screen?
class ClientEnvsGrid(Screen):
envProp = StringProperty('')
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ClientEnvsGrid, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def on_enter(self, *args):
clientProp = self.manager.get_screen('clientlist').clientProp
client_filepath = os.path.join('clients', clientProp, "environments.json")
client_file = open(client_filepath)
clientdata = json.loads(client_file.read())
self.ids.clientlabel.text = clientdata["clientname"]
for envs in clientdata["environments"]:
envbutton = Button(text=envs["name"])
envbutton.bind(on_press=lambda *args: self.pressed('envbtn', *args))
print("No client data found")
self.manager.current = 'clientlist'
def pressed(self, instance, *args):
self.envProp = args[0].text
I've managed to fix it to include clear_widgets in the environments GridLayout in the on_leave event.
def on_leave(self, *args):