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Exception error when creating procedure oracle sql developer

i have been whacking my brain for the past 2 hours can't find a solution to this error. I am creating a simple procedure to find an employee. PL/SQL keeps giving me error. What is the problem ? what am i doing wrong here ?

This is my Procedure:

create or replace PROCEDURE find_employee (employeeNo IN number) as
    INVALID_ID exception;
    TOO_MANY_ROWS exception;
    res number;
    Select count(*) into res from employee where ID=employeeNo;
    if (res>1)then      -- Checking that the total count of the employee is 1 or not
        raise TOO_MANY_ROWS;                                            -- if greater then 1 then it raise TOO_MANY_ROWS error
    ELSE IF (NOT EXISTS (Select ID from employee where ID=employeeNo))  -- Checking that the employeeNo user passes exist or not
        raise INVALID_ID;                                               -- if employeeNo doesnot exit then display invalid id message
        Select* from Employee where ID=employeeNo;                      -- else return employee info whose id==employeeNo
    END IF;
    when TOO_MANY_ROWS then
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Too many Rows with same employee id');
    when INVALID_ID then
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Invalid employee id');
END find_employee;

And error is this:

Error(15,1): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "EXCEPTION" when expecting one of the following:     ( begin case declare end exit for goto if loop mod null    pragma raise return select update while with <an identifier>    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> <<    continue close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback    savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe purge 

Error(20,18): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following:     end not pragma final instantiable order overriding static    member constructor map 

Please God Help me :'(


  • You're missing END IF (line #16). it is easier to spot it if you write formatted code (nested IF should have been indented).

    SQL> create or replace PROCEDURE find_employee (employeeNo IN number) as
      2      INVALID_ID exception;
      3      TOO_MANY_ROWS exception;
      4      res number;
      5  BEGIN
      6      dbms_output.enable;
      7      Select count(*) into res from employee where ID=employeeNo;
      8      if (res>1)then      -- Checking that the total count of the employee is 1 or not
      9          raise TOO_MANY_ROWS;                                            -- if greater then 1 then it raise TOO_MANY_ROWS error
     10      ELSE IF (NOT EXISTS (Select ID from employee where ID=employeeNo))  -- Checking that the employeeNo user passes exist or not
     11      then
     12          raise INVALID_ID;                                               -- if employeeNo doesnot exit then display invalid id message
     13      ELSE
     14          Select* from Employee where ID=employeeNo;                      -- else return employee info whose id==employeeNo
     15      END IF;
     16      END IF;        --> this is missing
     17  EXCEPTION
     18      when TOO_MANY_ROWS then
     19          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Too many Rows with same employee id');
     20      when INVALID_ID then
     21          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Invalid employee id');
     22  END find_employee;

    As @Dornaut commented, that code probably isn't the best one could produce. Here's another option; see if it helps.

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE find_employee (employeeNo IN NUMBER)
       res    NUMBER;
       e_row  employee%ROWTYPE;
       SELECT *
         INTO e_row
         FROM employee
        WHERE id = employeeNo;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Invalid employee ID');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Too many rows with same employee ID');
    END find_employee;

    So: if SELECT returns NO_DATA_FOUND or TOO_MANY_ROWS, it'll be handled. Otherwise, it'll fetch the whole row into a variable.