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Problem executing Makefile for FPGA poject-Vivado

Hi I am new to creating makefile. I have written the following commands in a makefile but they do not seem to execute when i type make in my terminal. However, if i type the command separately in the terminal, it works.

I am trying to open a vivado project in this tcl file and do some spyglass analysis on it and save the result in a txt file.The tcl file also runs properly if executed separately. I cd to my project folder where all the files- sources folder, project folder, makefile is present. I named it "makefile" so that i can execute it by typing make in the terminal.The makefile contents are as follows.

.PHONY : vivado_open 
    $(info Hello Make)
    bsub -Is -q i_soc_rh7 -R "rusage[mem=32000, temp=1GB] affinity[core(8):membind=localonly]" vivado -nolog -nojou -mode batch -source vivado.tcl

Here is the result from the terminal

Hello Make 
make: Nothing to be done for `vivado_open'.


  • Sorry, but there has to be something else going on here, that you haven't told us about. It's simply not possible for you to get that output if you typed make with that makefile.

    You are using a variable, not a target named vivado_open, so make would never print nothing to be done for 'vivado_open'. It would say instead something like: nothing to be done for ../projectfiles/test.prj

    Further, you didn't answer my question about TABs vs. spaces. If both the info and bsub lines are indented with TABs, there's no possible way that make would print Hello Make, without also printing the bsub command and trying to run it.

    You must have another makefile in your directory, maybe named Makefile or GNUmakefile, that is being used instead of makefile. Or maybe you have an environment variable like MAKEFILES set which is causing other makefiles to be read.

    If none of those appear to be true, you'll have to run make -d and see if you can figure out what's happening. That output is far too large to post to StackOverflow, so you'll have to try to read it yourself.


    OK, the problem is you're using spaces to indent your rules. In make, all recipe lines must be indented with a hard TAB character. Normal spaces don't mean anything special to make. Basically your makefile is interpreted as if you'd written this:

    .PHONY : vivado_open 
    $(info Hello Make)
    bsub -Is -q i_soc_rh7 -R "rusage[mem=32000, temp=1GB] affinity[core(8):membind=localonly]" vivado -nolog -nojou -mode batch -source vivado.tcl

    This is why you get this message "nothing to be done": you haven't actually defined a recipe for vivaldo_open, so there is literally nothing that make knows to do to update that target.

    As an aside, normally you would get a syntax error for the bsub line because make doesn't know what that is. However, if you look carefully at your line you'll see that it contains a :. So, make is interpreting this as a set of targets and set of prerequisites, like this:

    bsub ... affinity[core(8)  :  membind=localonly]" vivado ... vivado.tcl

    (make doesn't care about quotes or other special characters like [] etc.)

    So. Be sure you indent your recipe lines with TAB characters and you'll be fine. This is probably the single most common issue people have with makefiles.