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What other Python Web frameworks provide auto generated admin UI?

Django's admin is very nice and many of the widgets is reuseable.

What are alternative options? Extensions for other Web frameworks? Auto schema migration?


  • web2py has something called "admin" which is not equivalent to Django's "admin'. The web2py admin is a fully web based IDE.

    web2py also has something called "appadmin" which is similar to Django's admin but not designed to be exposed to users. It is designed for system administrators.

    Yet all the widgets in appadmin and more are available to applications. For example {{}} will create a search interface, and {{=crud.create(table)}} will create an entry form with validation for records in table. Etc.


                          Django   web2py
    web based IDE         no       yes
    database interface    admin    appadmin (*)
    crud widgets in apps  some     all      (**)
    • = Django's is better, web2py's appadmin is for administrators only. ** = web2py's are better.