I have a result from an SQL query that looks like this (a test query with no particular meaning):
week cash ccard fcard mobile total
9 3.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.45
10 13.02 17.18 4.32 21.24 55.76
11 47.61 24.52 12.32 32.18 116.63
12 21.32 61.96 17.32 1.40 102.00
13 181.80 1.70 275.20 3.50 462.20
14 390.14 191.80 10.08 100.40 692.42
15 102.40 207.80 101.40 0.00 411.60
The result of this query goes into a data frame which I want to plot as a stacked density chart where 'week' should be on the X axis and Y axies would be fractions 'cash/total', 'ccard/total' and so on. How would I do that? I googled but all the examples I found so far do not seem to applicable to SQL outputs.
Thanks in advance...
In general, ggplot2
prefers data to be in a "long" format, where it is currently in a "wide" format. In SQL terms, this is a PIVOT
, though I find using tidyr::pivot_*
and data.table::melt
and ::dcast
to be much easier to use than in SQL.
By that, I mean:
library(tidyr) # just for pivot_longer
dat <- pivot_longer(dat, cash:mobile) %>%
mutate(pct = (value / total))
# # A tibble: 28 x 5
# week total name value pct
# <int> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 9 3.45 cash 3.45 1
# 2 9 3.45 ccard 0 0
# 3 9 3.45 fcard 0 0
# 4 9 3.45 mobile 0 0
# 5 10 55.8 cash 13.0 0.234
# 6 10 55.8 ccard 17.2 0.308
# 7 10 55.8 fcard 4.32 0.0775
# 8 10 55.8 mobile 21.2 0.381
# 9 11 117. cash 47.6 0.408
# 10 11 117. ccard 24.5 0.210
# # ... with 18 more rows
With that, you can do
# library(scales) # percent
ggplot(dat, aes(week, pct, fill=name)) +
geom_density(position="fill", stat="identity") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)
(I should add that the "density" nature of this plot is a little deceiving: there is the suggestion of data in between the weekly points. Since the x-axis is effectively discrete with a low "n", I'd suggest a barplot as @RyanJohn suggests.)