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Trying to add IJulia via the REPL: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package

I keep trying to add IJulia in the REPL, and I keep getting this error message: system error

I tried installing JSON directly, but the REPL would say "The following packages names could not be resolved".

If it helps, I'm running a Windows 10 laptop with julia 1.0.5

Is there a fix to this? Should I install an earlier version to julia?

Appreciate the time.


  • It seems like you have outdated registries locally. The registries are ~/.julia/registries, message like The following package names could not be resolved usually suggests that registry are not updated or somehow corrupted. Delete them (the directory ~/.julia/registries/General) and then adding packages should cause the General registry to be downloaded, the newest version. Then you should be able to add IJulia without problem. More people encountered this problem with messed up registry, see