I have a scroll viewbox defined as such:
<ScrollViewer Width="150" Height="150" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<Grid Name="RootElement">
And in codebehind I populate the grid 'RootElement' with even more grids,
void CreateGrid(uint _Columns, uint _Rows)
Grid layoutRoot = GetTemplateChild( "RootElement" ) as Grid;
Random rand = new Random( );
for(int r = 0; r < _Rows; r++)
layoutRoot.RowDefinitions.Add( new System.Windows.Controls.RowDefinition( ) { Height = new GridLength( 50, GridUnitType.Pixel ) } );
for(int c = 0; c < _Columns; c++)
layoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add( new System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition( ) { Width = new GridLength( 50, GridUnitType.Pixel ) } );
var border = new Border( );
Grid.SetColumn( border, c );
Grid.SetRow( border, r );
Color col = new Color();
col.A = (byte)rand.Next(255);
col.R = (byte)rand.Next(255);
col.G = (byte)rand.Next(255);
col.B = (byte)rand.Next(255);
border.Background = new SolidColorBrush( col );
border.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush( Color.FromArgb( 0xff, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33 ) );
layoutRoot.Children.Add( border );
Now my problem is if I create, say, 10x10 grids inside the root grid (e.g., CreateGrid(10,10)
) I end up with a tonne of white space to the right of the scroll view area. The white space seems to increase exponentially as the number of grid cells I create increases. Vertically it's fine, scaled perfectly normally, but horizontally there's a massive gap. Maybe only 5% of the horizontal space is populated by the grids.
How can I make it so that the scrollviewer will only cover the space of the grids inside it?
That happens because you have your layoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add()
inside the inner loop. For 10 columns and 10 rows, you end up creating 10 columns for every 1 row, for a total of 100 columns and 10 rows.
Iterate over rows and columns separately to create the column/row definitions first. Then do the nested loops to create the controls.
for(int r = 0; r < _Rows; r++) {
layoutRoot.RowDefinitions.Add( new System.Windows.Controls.RowDefinition( ) { Height = new GridLength( 50, GridUnitType.Pixel ) } );
for(int c = 0; c < _Columns; c++) {
layoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add( new System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition( ) { Width = new GridLength( 50, GridUnitType.Pixel ) } );
for(int r = 0; r < _Rows; r++) {
for(int c = 0; c < _Columns; c++) {
var border = new Border( );