I'm trying to write a code to change the color of a specific option in ttk.OptionMenu
with press of a button (only that option should appear with the color when seen in the drop down). Here is a code similar to my need.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import OptionMenu
root = Tk()
def ch_color():
global ent, options
option = ent.get()
if option in options:
#The code to change the color of that option in opt_menu
options = ['option 1','option 2', 'option 3', 'option 4']
var = StringVar()
opt_menu = OptionMenu(root, var, *options).pack()
ent = StringVar()
entry = Entry(root, textvariable = ent).pack()
button = Button(root, text = "Change Color", command = ch_color).pack()
I've tried this, but apparently it changes the color of the entire widget, and not a specific option, and this, but this doesn't work on Windows. Any help will be appreciated.
The OptionMenu is a button that shows a menu. The menu is a Tk menu so you can use menu commands on it once you fetch a reference from the OptionMenu widget. eg:
menu = opt_menu.nametowidget(opt_menu.cget('menu'))
index = menu.index('option 2')
menu.entryconfigure(index, background='red')
This will find the menu index of the 'option 2' entry and change its background color.
Personally I recommend using the ttk.Combobox instead.