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How do I define an array of arrays of scalars in Symfony Configuration.php?

I want to parse a YAML configuration that looks like this:

  Report1: [abc, xyz, def]
  Report2: [fgh, xxx, yyy, rrr]

I want the resulting configuration array to look like this:


I have this at the moment:

    ->arrayNode( 'pageRoles' )
      ->prototype( 'array' )
        ->useAttributeAsKey( 'name' )
        ->prototype( 'array' )
          ->prototype( 'scalar' )->end()
      ->end() // array prototype
    ->end() // pageRoles

And am getting this error:

Invalid type for path "site.pageRoles.ActivityReport.0". Expected array, but got string

What am I missing?


  • Making Symfony configuration trees. My favorite way to kill a boring day. This seems to work:

        public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
            $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('my');
                    ->end() // pageRoles
                ->end() // root node
            return $treeBuilder;

    After processing I get:

    array:1 [
      "pageRoles" => array:2 [
        "Report1" => array:3 [
          0 => "abc"
          1 => "xyz"
          2 => "def"
        "Report2" => array:4 [
          0 => "fgh"
          1 => "xxx"
          2 => "yyy"
          3 => "rrr"