I am passing the data from API to my graph component.
<div className="col-lg-sm-md-xs-9" style={styles.graphs}>
{this.renderGraphComponent(this.state.graphType, { graphData: n.question_options, responseData: n.total_no_of_question_response})}
I am mapping the response in my graph component and displaying the data.
const data=props.graphData.map((data)=>{
return {name:data.label,uv:((data.no_of_response)/(props.responseData)*100),response:data.no_of_response}
const CustomizedAxisTick =(props)=>{
const {x, y, payload} = props;
return (
<Text x={x} y={y} width={75} fontSize={12} textAnchor="middle" verticalAnchor="start">{ ((payload.value).length > 30) ? (((payload.value).substring(0,30-3)) + '...') :
payload.value }
App is crashing if all the responses are 0. How to fix this.
const data=props.graphData.map((data)=>{
let graphkey=((data.no_of_response)/(props.responseData)*100)
**return {name:data.label,**uv:+graphkey** || 0,response:data.no_of_response}**
Checking for NAN condition solved the issue.