I have table like first table on the picture.
It's information about banks deals on the FX market on daily basis (buy minus sell). I would like to calculate cumulative results like on the second table. The number of banks and their names, also as date are not fixed. I'm new in SAS and tried to find solutions, but didn't find anything useful. I will be glad for any help.
When data such as this is in a wide format, it can be more difficult to process in SAS compared to a long format. Long data formats have numerous benefits in the form of by-group processing, indexing, filtering, etc. Many SAS procedures are designed around this concept.
For more information on the examples below, check out SAS's example on the Program Data Vector and by-group processing. Mastering these concepts will help you with data step
Here are two ways you can solve it:
1. Use a sum statement
and by-group processing.
In this example, we will:
By converting the bank name into a character variable, we can use by-group processing on it.
/* Convert from wide to long */
proc transpose data=raw
by date;
proc sort data=raw_transposed;
by bank date;
/* Use by-group processing to get cumulative values by month for each bank */
data cumulative_long;
set raw_transposed;
by bank date;
/* Reset the cumulative sum for each bank */
if(first.bank) then call missing(cumulative);
proc sort data=raw_transposed;
by date bank;
/* Convert from long to wide */
proc transpose data=raw_transposed
by date;
id bank;
var COL1;
The sum statement can be used as a shortcut of the following code:
data cumulative_long;
set raw_transposed;
by bank date;
retain cumulative;
if(first.bank) then cumulative = 0;
cumulative = cumulative + COL1;
does not exist in the dataset: we are creating it here. This value will become missing whenever SAS moves on to read a new row. We want SAS to carry the last value forward. retain
tells SAS to carry its last value forward until we change it.
2. Use macro variables and dictionary tables
A second option would be to read all of the bank names from a dictionary table to prevent transposing. We will:
into a macro variable using PROC SQLThis assumes the bank naming scheme is always prefixed with "Bank." If does not follow a regular pattern, you can exclude all other variables from the initial SQL query.
proc sql noprint;
select name
, cats(name, '_cume')
into :banks separated by ' '
, :banks_cume separated by ' '
from dictionary.columns
where memname = 'RAW'
AND libname = 'WORK'
AND upcase(name) LIKE 'BANK%'
data want;
set raw;
array banks[*] &banks.;
array banks_cume[*] &banks_cume.;
do i = 1 to dim(banks);
drop i;