I have a simple Kusto request, something like the following:
| where timestamp > ago(10m)
| where name == "Custom metric number one"
| summarize sum(value)
Obviously, the result of this query is a single number.
I would like to pin this request to a dashboard, so the tile will look like a card having a title/subtitle and the number retrieving as the result of the Kusto request. Firstly, I tried to use "render" operator, but it can draw either a chart or a simple unformatted table. I tried to use "render card", but ApplicationInsights answered that "We currently don't support 'card' visualization type."
Is there any other possibility to create the desired tile with a single number on it?
Why not just pin the table query result:
| where timestamp > ago(10m)
| where name == "Custom metric number one"
| summarize sum(value)
results in
It is probably the closest to a card you can do at the moment
There is another option as well, you can add a Markdown tile, it can point to a url containing Markdown content so you might be able to create something that periodically updates a certain MD file and show that on the dashboard. You can leverage the Application Insights API to get the value you want and have an azure function generate the markdown.
Another option, if you have access to Power Bi, is to create a Power Bi report that you share with external stakeholders/non developers.When going that direction you can use all the rich visuals Power Bi provides in combination with data from Application Insights, including cards. See the docs