I am having hive table which is partitioned by date, app_name, src (3 partitions)
I want to fire show partitions command in multiple ways like following
// works
show partitions mydb.tab_dt partition(date='2017-05-01');
// works
show partitions mydb.tab_dt partition(date='2017-05-01'/app_name='app_io'/src='mobile');
When I need to do some filtering in partition clause i am not able to make it work. examples of some of the things I am trying are below.
// doesn't work
show partitions mydb.tab_dt partition(date>='2017-05-01');
// doesn't work
show partitions mydb.tab_dt partition(date='2017-05-01'/app_name like '%app%');
// doesn't work
show partitions mydb.tab_dt partition(app_name like '%app%'/src='mobile');
I hope I have made my question clear.
It appears that this is not currently possible, but will be after Hive 4.0.0.
The current possibilities are described in the documentation here.
However, what I ended up doing was running SHOW PARTITIONS with hive -e and using grep to filter the results afterwards.