I'm stuck in a unknown issue of coloring. I develop an food delivery application. I set the design of application, for example i take Food Menu screen. Actual output of screen :
I run the app on almost 6 mobiles include samsung, q-mobile, huawei. It works perfect. But when i run the app on another random samsung mobile it show me the layout like this:
I don't know why this dark gray appear in boxes bakcground. This is happening in only one mobile of samsung. I'm confused because i also check on samsung on other mobile with same android version and it works fine.
The same thing was happening to me on my OnePlus phone. The solution I use was that I added background color for all component that was not using correct color on my OP phone. So in the case of CardView's that you have below, I added app:cardBackgroundColor
property to CardView XML component view and it started to show just fine. I didn't investigate any further to know what was the reason behind this, but as you said, it almost certainly got to do something with a different Theme on that Samsung.