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Split and Replace string in Angular 8 HTML

I am receiving data from REST api. For name parameter, I want to split it at 2330 and give new line break. Example: I have name: ABCD 2330 This is My Name I want to give different style to the split strings and the output on my screen to be:

ABCD 2330
This is My Name // this will be bold

and not

ABCD 2330 This is My Name

Given the complexity of my object, I don't think I can put this operation in the ts file. I am binding the data like: <li>{{}}</li> can I use some pipe like split and how would I add /n after the split and rejoin the string and also how can I give different style in the same

  • tag?

  • Solution

  • Maybe you can try like below


    import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
    @Pipe({name: 'texttransform'})
    export class TextTransformPipe implements PipeTransform {
      transform(value: string): string {
        const splitBy = '2330'
        const splittedText = value.split( splitBy );
        return `${ splittedText[0] } ${ splitBy } <br> <b>${ splittedText[1] }</b>`;

    And in the template file

      <li *ngFor="let data of receivedData" [innerHTML]=" | texttransform"></li>

    Working stackblitz