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asp.nettreeviewimageurl 4 TreeView SelectedNodeStyle ImageUrl seems to be ignored

I have the following code and no matter what I try to do, it seems the ImageUrl on the SelectedNodeStyle is ignored. Am I doing something backwards?

Note that this thread is a continuation of ASP.Net TreeView with SiteMap is ignoring Node.Selected which asked a different question and revealed this new question.

<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="SiteMapDataSource1" runat="server" />
<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SiteMapDataSource1">
    <NodeStyle ForeColor="White" Font-Bold="true" NodeSpacing="5"
        HorizontalPadding="5" ImageUrl="~/Images/Page.png" />
    <SelectedNodeStyle Font-Bold="true" NodeSpacing="5" 
        HorizontalPadding="5" ImageUrl="~/Images/Page_Hot.png"/>
    <HoverNodeStyle ForeColor="Navy" />

In the sample above, the selected node underlining works just perfectly. However, the image never changes. Yes, I double-checked the image was named correctly. It changes the other style attributes, just not the image. Quite frustrating.



  • This seems to be a bug and goes back a few years (~2005, 2006). (Excuse the link-filled answer)

    I would set it in code-behind instead.