I have a data frame of transactions with duplicate users. I want to aggregate my data and build a data frame with one row for each user.
The original data frame looks like this:
id usage country publisher type_status
123 6.77 US X bookstore_declined
123 4.25 US X super_approved
123 88.7 US X bookstore_approved
123 5.6 US X pharmacies_approved
456 43.66 BZ Y pharmacies_approved
456 56.87 BZ Y super_approved
456 9.65 BZ Y bookstore_approved
I want to use one_hot_encoding on the type_status feature, but I want that instead of 0/1 in the new dummy columns the new columns will have the 'usage' value.
Here an example for what I'm looking for:
id country publisher bookstore_declined super_approved bookstore_approved
123 US X 6.77 4.25 88.7
456 BZ Y 0 56.87 9.65
Here is my code: How can I replace 0/1 with the usage values?
Hi I init the data so i get a dataframe as well
import pandas as pd
test_df = {
'id': [123,123,123,123,456,456,456],
'usage' :[6.77,4.25,88.7,5.6,43.66,56.87,9.65],
'country' : ['US','US','US','US','BZ','BZ','BZ'],
'publisher' : ['x','x','x','x', 'y','y','y'],
'type_status': ['bookstore_declined','super_approved','bookstore_approved','pharmacies_approved','pharmacies_approved', 'super_approved','bookstore_approved']
df = pd.DataFrame(test_df)
The result looks like yours
id usage country publisher type_status_bookstore_declined ...
0 123 6.77 US x 1
1 123 4.25 US x 0
2 123 88.70 US x 0
According to this Stackoverflow answer you can multiply multiple columns with following command:
df.update(df.iloc[:, 4:7].mul(df.usage, 0))
remove the usage column:
df = df.drop('usage', axis=1)
Result looks like this print:
id country publisher type_status_bookstore_declined type_status_pharmacies_approved type_status_super_approved
0 123 US x 6.77 0.00 0.00
1 123 US x 0.00 0.00 4.25
2 123 US x 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 123 US x 0.00 5.60 0.00
4 456 BZ y 0.00 43.66 0.00
5 456 BZ y 0.00 0.00 56.87
6 456 BZ y 0.00 0.00 0.00