I am trying to attach a photo to instances in the seed.rb
directly. But I don't think that is the issue, because it doesn't work in the console either.
When I run rails db:seed
I get this error message:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ../app/assets/images/image.jpg
Here is my Model:
class Restaurant < ApplicationRecord
restaurant_types = ["chinese", "italian", "japanese", "french", "belgian"]
has_one_attached :photo
has_many :reviews, dependent: :destroy
validates :name, :address, :category, :phone_number, presence: true
validates :category, inclusion: { in: restaurant_types, message: "%{value} is not a valid size" }
Here is my seed file:
require 'open-uri'
require "faker"
puts "deleting all restaurants and reviews"
puts Restaurant.count
puts Review.count
puts "creating new restaurants"
20.times do
name = Faker::Restaurant.name
address = Faker::Address.community
phone = Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone
category = ["chinese", "italian", "japanese", "french", "belgian"].sample
restaurant = Restaurant.create(name: name, address: address, phone_number: phone, category: category)
restaurant.photo.attach(io: File.open('../app/assets/images/image.jpg'), filename: 'image')
And I also included require "active_storage/engine"
in my config/application.rb
And here is my application folder and where both my seed.rb and image.jpg files are located. Apparently there is something wrong with the link?
Anyone knows what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
You need to get the path of your application by Rails.root
change to this in your seed file and try
restaurant.photo.attach(io: File.open(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "images", "image.jpg")), filename: 'image.jpg')
You can store this in a variable also
file_path = Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "images", "image.jpg")
restaurant.photo.attach(io: File.open(filepath), filename: 'image.jpg')
Also, add a condition for file exist
File.exist? file_path