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Renaming and reordering chronological Excel files in R

I have a set of 67 Excel files that I am trying to merge into a panel dataset in R. The file names are of the form: qjMMMYYe.xls, where MMM is a three-letter abbreviation for the month, running from jan to nov in two-month increments, and YY is the year, running from 09 to 20. The first is qjjan09e.xls and the last is qjjan20e.xls.

I am new to R, and I want to:

a) Read each file into R and name it in a way that can be ordered chronologically, e.g. qjjan09e.xls is assigned to data0901 and qjjan20e.xls is assigned to data2001

b) Create three new columns in each dataframe: year and month store the respective date components, and wave stores the chronological number of the file (e.g. the first file qjjan09e.xls is assigned 1 and the last file qjjan20e.xls is assigned 67)

c) Stacks the dataframes on top of each other to create a panel dataset

For a), I get the list of filenames through list.files(pattern="*.xls") and read them by looping through read_excel, but I cannot figure out how to rename the dataframes using regex. I think the function will help me if I can find a way to extract the three-letter abbreviations from the file names. I assume that this part would help me create the year and month columns needed in b), but I am also not sure how to get the wave number from my renamed files. I assume that c) involves rbind().


  • My solution involves the tidyverse (for some readable data-wrangling), and data.table for it's speedy processing of large amounts of data

    It's probably not the most elegant way of things, but it will get the job done ;-)

    I included comments and in-bewteen-results in the code below

    library( tidyverse )
    library( readxl )
    library( data.table )
    #get files to read
    files.v <- list.files( path = "./temp", pattern = ".*\\.xls$", full.names = TRUE )
    # [1] "./temp/qjjan09e.xls" "./temp/qjjan20e.xls"
    #build df for lookup operation later on
    DF <- data.frame( filename = files.v ) %>%
        #use rownumbers to get file identifier
        id = row_number(),
        #extract year and month string from filename, and parse to date
        date_id = paste0( gsub( "^.*([a-z]{3})([0-9]+.*)", "\\1", filename ), 
                          gsub( "[^0-9]", "", filename ) ) %>%
          #parse extracted strings to 'real' date using the corerect locale
          readr::parse_date( format = "%b%y", locale = locale( date_names = "en" ) ) %>%
          #format the date to the desired format
          format( "%y%m" )
    #              filename id date_id
    # 1 ./temp/qjjan09e.xls  1    0901
    # 2 ./temp/qjjan20e.xls  2    2001
    #read excel-files to list 
    L <- lapply( files.v, readxl::read_excel )
    #name list
    names(L) <- files.v
    # $`./temp/qjjan09e.xls`
    # # A tibble: 5 x 2
    #    col1  col2
    #   <dbl> <dbl>
    # 1     1     8
    # 2     2     9
    # 3     3    10
    # 4     4    11
    # 5     5    12
    # $`./temp/qjjan20e.xls`
    # # A tibble: 5 x 2
    #    col1  col2
    #   <dbl> <dbl>
    # 1    11    18
    # 2    12    19
    # 3    13    20
    # 4    14    21
    # 5    15    22
    #now bind the List together, using it's names as an ID
    DT <- data.table::rbindlist( L, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE, idcol = "filename" )
    #               filename col1 col2
    # 1: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    1    8
    # 2: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    2    9
    # 3: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    3   10
    # 4: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    4   11
    # 5: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    5   12
    # 6: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   11   18
    # 7: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   12   19
    # 8: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   13   20
    # 9: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   14   21
    #10: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   15   22
    #now join the relevant info into the coluns needed, using a (fast!!) update join
    #  setDT is used on DF to make it a data.table
    DT[ data.table::setDT(DF), 
        `:=`( id_col =, date_col = i.date_id ), 
        on = .( filename )]
    #               filename col1 col2 id_col date_col
    # 1: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    1    8      1     0901
    # 2: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    2    9      1     0901
    # 3: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    3   10      1     0901
    # 4: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    4   11      1     0901
    # 5: ./temp/qjjan09e.xls    5   12      1     0901
    # 6: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   11   18      2     2001
    # 7: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   12   19      2     2001
    # 8: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   13   20      2     2001
    # 9: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   14   21      2     2001
    #10: ./temp/qjjan20e.xls   15   22      2     2001