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How to convert a 'dictionary-like' structure in Azure Stream Analytics to a multi dimensional array with a javascript UDF?

After using the CollectTop aggregation function of Azure Stream Analytics, I get back a json-like structure that seems to be like a Dictionary of Dictionaries. I need to convert this one to a multi-dimensional array which I want to pass to an AzureML UDF.

My question is mostly on how I can interpret this structure in a javascript-UDF, as I'm totally new to Javascript.

This is a sample record (using CollectTop), but the challenge is how my javascript UDF should look like?


From the above data structure, I'd love to get the following array generated. (taking tmp & hum fields)

[[-0.0019, -0.0002], [-0.0026, -0.0002], [0.0003, -0.0002]]

Any help or insights are welcome.

This question is related to two other questions:

Best regards


  • var input = [
        function getOutput(input){
            var output = [];
            for(var x in input){
                var array = [];
            return output;

    Is this your needed?