I'm trying to match an exact number for a page element with Behat/Mink.
My test looks like this:
Then the "td.points" element should contain "1"
This matches if td.points
is 1
(good), but it also matches if td.points
is 10
or 21
I tried using a regex like this:
Then the "td.views-field-field-int-repetitions" element should contain "\b1\b"
But the regex wasn't picked up.
I tried to dig through the code and I see that MinkContext has assertElementContains
, but I couldn't find anything like AssertElementIs
What I want is something like
Then the "td.points" element should be exactly "1"
How can I implement this?
EDIT: This is the element contains feature from MinkContext.php:
* Checks, that element with specified CSS contains specified HTML
* Example: Then the "body" element should contain "style=\"color:black;\""
* Example: And the "body" element should contain "style=\"color:black;\""
* @Then /^the "(?P<element>[^"]*)" element should contain "(?P<value>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
public function assertElementContains($element, $value)
$this->assertSession()->elementContains('css', $element, $this->fixStepArgument($value));
For extracting the number from the step you could use for a number:
the "(.*)" element should contain (\d+)
or for string
the "(.*)" element should contain "(.*)"
or other example for string
the "(.*)" element should contain (.*)
and for asserting depends on how your code is organized, use what you have or you could just do:
if($someActual != $expected)
throw new \Exception("something meaningful");