Hi guys I am trying to come up with my own implementation of Karatsuba multiplication algorithm where the base case is trivial multiplication when one number is a single digit. My code seems to be failing to yield the correct answer and I believe this has something to do with the way z1 is calculated but I can't quite figure it out, please help me with this.
import math
x = input()
y = input()
def suba(x,y):
if len(x) == 1 or len(y) == 1:
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
return x*y
n = int(math.ceil((min(len(x),len(y)))/2))
h1 = x[0:n]
l1 = x[n:len(x)]
h2 = y[0:n]
l2 = y[n:len(y)]
z0 = suba(l1,l2)
z1 = suba(str(int(l1)+int(h1)),str(int(l2)+int(h2)))
z2 = suba(h1,h2)
return (z2*10**(n*2))+((z1-z2-z0)*10**(n))+z0
The problem is in the splitting. You need to split in such a way the size of the low (right) part is n. This is necessary, as the high parts of x and y must be comparable: they must have been extracted by dividing by the same power of 10.
So change the splitting code to this:
h1 = x[:-n]
l1 = x[-n:]
h2 = y[:-n]
l2 = y[-n:]
Note also that it is not necessary to specify 0 for the start of a range, nor to specify the length for the end of a range, as those are the defaults.