As practice for learning Windows Batch programming, I'm trying to create a batch file which will process all the SCSS files in a folder and compile them into CSS. I am running into an issue while trying to filter out all files that begin with an underscore as these files are snippets only to be used in @import statements.
The batch file I have so far is:
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /R "D:\Jaye\Programming\Web\Project\scss" %%G IN (*.scss) DO (
SET name=%%~nG
echo !name!
SET firstChar=!name:~0,1!
echo !firstChar!
if !firstChar! == "_" (
echo "Dont process this file"
The ...\Project\scss folder contains the following four files:
The output I'm getting is:
The important issue here is that the _uiColors.scss file is not triggering the if statement on line 9 of the bat file. Based on the output I can see that it is setting the firstChar variable to an underscore as expected but when that gets compared in the if statement something isn't evaluating as I expect. I'd like to know why "_"=="_"
is seeming evaluating to false (is it a type mismatch maybe?) and then what I might try to fix it.
EDIT (with answer): I've got it working now thanks to the answers by Mofi and Gerhard. Thanks guys. The issue I ran into is due to my assumptions based on previous experience with other more modern languages I was using quotation marks incorrectly when working with strings.
By double quoting only one side of statement, you are not comparing the same thing:
if apples == "apples"
put them underneath each other:
These two cannot match, ever. You can almost consider it that the one side of the statement has 2 additional characters.
So by quoting both values either side of the ==
you will get a proper match, you just need:
if "!firstChar!" == "_"
Additionally, you did not need to create the firstchar
variable, you could have just used the following, though it would really only save you one line of code:
if "!name:~0,1!" == "_"
So far you also do not have an else
statement, so the if parenthesis block is not needed either. So your code could be:
@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /R "D:\Jaye\Programming\Web\Project\scss" %%G IN (*.scss) DO (
SET name=%%~nG
echo !name!
echo !name:~0,1!
if "!name:~0,1!" == "_" echo "Dont process this file: %%~nG"
Lastly, you could do this exact same thing, by simply excluding the files starting with _
by including findstr
and therefore do not require the if
statements, nor require delayedexpansion
@echo off
pushd "D:\Jaye\Programming\Web\Project\scss"
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s /a-d *.scss ^| findstr /V /IRC:"^_"') do echo Non of these starts with "_": "%%~i"