is my current avatar specified in config.toml
you can enable dark mode by adding: colorscheme = "auto"
to avatarDarkMode.png
based on if the user's system is set to light or dark modeHopefully I added enough information!
Source code repo: GitHub Repo
You might consider a shortcode similar to the one used in onweru/newsroom
Picture You want to use darkmode images when darkmode is enabled on a device and a regular image on lightmode? It takes 3 positional parameter
Store these images in the
directory.... {{< picture "lightModeImage.png" "darkModeImage.png" "Image alt text" >}} ...
It uses layouts/shortcodes/picture.html
{{- $normal := .Get 0 }}
{{- $dark := .Get 1 }}
{{- $alt := .Get 2 }}
{{- $normalPath := absURL (printf "images/%s" $normal) }}
{{- $darkPath := absURL (printf "images/%s" $dark) }}
<picture class = 'nav_logo'>
<source srcset = '{{ $darkPath }}' media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">
<img srcset = '{{ $normalPath }}' alt = '{{ $alt }}'>
How about SVG file?
Is there any way to change the style of an SVG file instead of creating two different SVG image, one for dark mode and one for light mode?
For SVG, you can try CSS Media Queries:
You can use CSS media queries to detect whether the user has a light or dark theme enabled in their operating system or browser, and then apply different styles to the SVG accordingly.
For example:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
svg {
filter: invert(1);