I use Spring boot for my API and I tried enabling https for my application with a Self signed certificate but while accessing that firefox and chrome showed warnings saying
Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead with MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT
and flutter,postman show this too so i reverted back to http , So is there a way to get a https certificate for my spring boot application?
If you are looking for a free way to get an https certificate and enable https for your endpoint, there are mmultiple ways for you to do this.
When you purchase or transfer a domain name with us you get all those features included:
- Free domain protection & WHOIS privacy, 5 Email forwards
- Free SSL Certificate if you also host your website on Cloud CMS
- Simple DNS Editor to manage your DNS entries (A, CNAME, MX, ...), configure name servers, domain owner, renewal option
like below. Read guide.application.properties