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How to get private key from secret manager?

I need to store a Private Key in AWS. Because when I create an ec2 instance from AWS I need to use this primary key to auth in provisioner "remote-exec". I don't want to save in repo AWS.

It's a good idea to save a private key in Secret Manager? And then consume it?

And in the case affirmative, How to save the primary key in Secret Manager and then retrieve in TF aws_secretsmanager_secret_version?

In my case, if I validate from a file(), it's working but if I validate from a string, is failed.

connection {
    host = self.private_ip
    type = "ssh"
    user = "ec2-user"
    #private_key = file("${path.module}/key")   <-- Is working
    private_key = jsondecode(data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.secret_terraform.secret_string)["ec2_key"]    <-- not working. Error: Failed to read ssh private key: no key found


  • I think the reason is due to how you store it. I verified using my own sandbox account the use of aws_secretsmanager_secret_version and it works. However, I stored it as a pain text, not json:

    enter image description here

    Then I successfuly used it as follows for an instance:

    resource "aws_instance" "public" {
      ami           =  "ami-02354e95b39ca8dec" 
      instance_type = "t2.micro" 
      key_name      = "key-pair-name"
      security_groups = []
      provisioner "remote-exec" {
        connection {
          type     = "ssh"
          user     = "ec2-user"
          private_key = data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.example.secret_string
          host     = "${self.public_ip}"
        inline = [
          "ls -la"
      depends_on = [aws_key_pair.key]