I'm feeling a bit constrained by batch's limitations and unsure the best way to code some logic. I have a hybrid Batch/VBScript for printing and decided the best way to confirm the VBScript had finished was by utilizing an external file as a placeholder.
The logic is like this:
Batch Script --> Create tmpfile --> Run VBScript
VBScript --> Print Job --> Delete File
That part works, but in my "call script" I have an array of files that I use a FOR LOOP
to iterate over and print, but I can't figure out how to code the logic WHILE FILE EXISTS DON'T RUN NEXT PRINT JOB
. I have figured out how to "loop" until the file doesn't exist, but this uses GoTo
statements and they don't work inside FOR LOOPS
. I tried using "EXIT /B" which I thought just exits a function, but it just closed the main script all together.
Here is my "call script" which needs some help~
::This is a placeholder file to check if VBScript is running
SET File="%TEMP%\jobrunning.txt"
del /F /Q %File%
::Print Each File in Array
for /l %%n in (0,1,%arrsize%) do (
GoTo file_exists
::Is Job Still Running?
IF EXIST %File% (
GoTo :file_exists
) ELSE (
The issue was using GoTo
w/ EXIT /B
. GoTo
just jumps to a LINELABEL
, and EXIT /B
IE: The Script. CALL
and EXIT /B
returns to the main PROCESS
allow further code execution. (It's the same as calling an external script and closing it).
This is what I ended up using to test and just deleted the file manually after each iteration of the array.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
::This is a placeholder file to check if VBScript is running
SET File="%TEMP%\jobrunning"
del /F /Q %File%
::Set arrsize -1
set arrsize=4
set arrayline[0]=1A
set arrayline[1]=2A
set arrayline[2]=3A
set arrayline[3]=4A
set arrayline[4]=5A
::read it using a FOR /L statement
for /l %%n in (0,1,%arrsize%) do (
copy /y NUL %TEMP%\jobrunning.txt >NUL
CALL :file_exists
echo !arrayline[%%n]!
:Is Job Still Running?
IF EXIST %File% (
GoTo :file_exists
) ELSE (