I have very little knowledge of SHACL and ShEx.
I've been reading about them and to figure out whether I could create constraints over a property to make it define a hierarchy (i.e. a tree-like structure).
I guess what I'm looking for is a way to specify that, for a given property p
a) this can happen (o1 != o2
s p o1 .
s p o2 .
s p oN
b) but this cannot (s1 != s2
s1 p o .
s2 p o
I guess for a) I should use some kind of constraint on the cardinality of p
, right?
No idea on how to specify b) or even if it is possible at all using either SHACL or ShEX. Should I be using OWL?
Assuming DifferentIndividuals: :s1, :s2
ObjectProperty: :p
Characteristics: InverseFunctional
In ShEx
With shape map like {_ :p FOCUS} @ :Shape
:Shape {
^:p IRI ?
:Shape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetObjectsOf :p ;
sh:property [
sh:path [ sh:inversePath :p ] ;
sh:maxCount 1
] .
In pure SPARQL
ASK { ?o ^:p ?s1, ?s2 . FILTER (?s1 != ?s2) }
In general
Read "Validating RDF Data".