Looking for a one liner code either in java or cfm, where i do not need to loop over te array of structs to use te structfind to get the value from it.
right now looking at it,
Coldfusion - How to loop through an Array of Structure and print out dynamically all KEY values?
where i can loop over and get the value of the key match
but trying to check if something like this can be done
<cfset myvalue = structfindvaluefromAnything(myarrayofstruct,"infor")>
I like Sev's approach. I would change it slightly
{"name":"Iron Man","member":"Avengers"},
{"name":"Wonder Woman","member":"Justice League"},
{"name":"Aquaman","member":"Justice League"}
avengers = superheroes.filter(function(item) {
return item.member == "Avengers";